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Miklu betri hugmynd aš setja kvóta į žęr og selja ašgang aš veišsvęši Reykjavķkurborgar.  Gott og vel, ég veit aš hugmyndin er ögn ķ ętt viš Besta-flokks-lausn en kanķnukjöt er brįšhollt og gott.  Ein uppskrift hugmyndinni til stušnings:

Italian-Style Braised Rabbit With Rosemary and Mushrooms

    •    1 whole rabbit (2 1/2 to 3 pounds)
    •    Olive oil
    •    Salt and pepper
    •    Flour, for dusting
    •    2 cups onions, finely diced
    •    2 cups leeks, finely diced
    •    6 garlic cloves, minced
    •    2 tablespoons rosemary, roughly chopped
    •    1 tablespoon crumbled dry porcini mushrooms, soaked in warm water to soften, drained and finely chopped
    •    8 ounces cremini or portobello mushrooms, thickly sliced
    •    Pinch of red pepper flakes
    •    1 cup chopped canned tomatoes, or home-preserved, if possible
    •    ½ cup dry white wine
    •    1 cup unsalted chicken broth

Cutt the rabbit into 9 pieces (or ask your butcher to) as follows: with a sharp cleaver, cut the saddle (center portion) into 3 pieces, leaving the kidneys attached. Cut the front portion (front legs) in half through the backbone. Chop each hind leg into 2 pieces. Reserve the liver and heart to sauté as a snack.
Heat .25 inch of olive oil in a Dutch oven or deep, wide heavy skillet over medium heat. Season the rabbit pieces with salt and pepper, then dust lightly with flour. Lightly brown the rabbit for about 3 minutes on both sides, working in batches. Drain on kitchen towels, then transfer to a baking dish in one layer. Heat oven to 375 degrees.
Pour off the used oil, wipe out the pan and add 2 tablespoons fresh oil. Heat to medium-high, add the onions and cook till soft, about 5 minutes. Add the leek, garlic, rosemary and mushrooms. Season generously with salt and pepper, and add red pepper flakes to taste. Cook for 2 minutes more, stirring.
Add the chopped tomatoes and wine, and let the mixture reduce for 1 minute. Add the broth, bring to a simmer, taste and adjust seasonings.
Ladle the mixture evenly over the rabbit. Cover the dish, and bake for 1 hour. Let rest 10 minutes before serving.

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